Odalis Hernandez, Math Major, to Present Research Project

Thu, 12/05/2019


Gloria J. Prothe

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas will host its second annual Fall Undergraduate Research Poster Session next week, featuring the work of 57 KU students. The public is invited to the event, sponsored by KU’s Center for Undergraduate Research, from 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 10 in the Kansas Union Ballroom. 

“We have an excellent group of student presentations lined up for the Fall Poster Session,” said Alison Olcott, undergraduate research center director. “We hope the campus community will come out to hear from these students about what they have learned this semester.”

Students who will present their work are listed below, along with their major, hometown, project title, and research mentor:

Brittany Ayres, a biology major from Wichita: “Women's College Education Culturally Shifts Life History Strategies,” mentored by Lauren Norman, anthropology.

Ashmika Behere, an ecology & evolutionary biology major from Overland Park: “Color my Dewlap Surprised: A Look into the Genetic Model Behind Pigmentation Pattern,” mentored by Richard Glor, and Pietro de Mello, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Kirstie Camp, a psychology major from Pompano Beach, Florida: “We Are Powerless At Work: When The Customers Harass,” mentored by Anna Pope, psychology.

Jaclin Constantin, a molecular, cellular & developmental biology major from Topeka: “Temperature-dependent Ciliary Regeneration in Tetrahymena – Do Cilia Grow Longer at Higher Temperatures?” mentored by William Dentler, molecular biosciences.

Uma Desai, a human biology and Spanish major from Overland Park: “The Effect of Systemic Infection on Wolbachia Transmission,” mentored by Robert Unckless, molecular biosciences.

Jamie Dunham, a public administration and political science major from Lawrence: “The Unwritten Constitution of Israel,” mentored by Rami Zeedan, political science.

Ahmed Elghzali, a behavioral neuroscience major from Overland Park: “Changes in Health Self-efficacy in an Intervention to Reduce Sitting Time in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment,” mentored by Amber Watts and Alexandra Laffer, psychology.

Sami El-Qadi, a pharmacy major from Shawnee: “DIcipher,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Kate Englander, a molecular, cellular & developmental biology major from Redmond, Washington: “Do Tomato Petals Get Off to a 'ROXY' Start?” mentored by Lena Hileman and Paulyn Cartwright, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Leslie Escareno, a journalism major from Lawrence: “Kansan Diversity and Representation,” mentored by Teri Finneman, journalism.

Kirstin Georgeson, a music therapy major from Norton: “Music Stimuli for Mindfulness: Comparison of Four Stimuli Composed Under Similar Principles,” mentored by Abbey Dvorak, music therapy.

Madalyn Gerber, a music therapy major from Shawnee: “Music Stimuli for Mindfulness: Comparison of Four Stimuli Composed Under Similar Principles,” mentored by Abbey Dvorak, music therapy.

Cheyan Graham, an ecology, evolution & organismal biology major from Kingston, Jamaica: “The Effects of Light Quality on Dictyostelium Growth and Development,” mentored by Jennifer Hueston, undergraduate biology, and Lena Hileman, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Lacey Gregory, a journalism major from Hays: “Kansan Diversity and Representation,” mentored by Teri Finneman, journalism.

Kailene Hamilton, a social work and political science major from Hesston: “Ethiopian Voting in Israel,” mentored by Rami Zeedan, political science.

Andrew Harsh, a pharmacy major from Kansas City, Kansas: “Assessment of Kansas Pharmacists’ Clinical Knowledge and Preferred Drug Resources for Cannabidiol,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Odalis Hernandez, a mathematics major from Emporia: “The Impact of Insecticide Resistance on Transmission Dynamics of Avian Malaria,” mentored by Fola Agusto, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Sydney Hoover, a journalism major from Lenexa: “Kansan Diversity and Representation,” mentored by Teri Finneman, journalism.

Bradly Hugunin, a pharmacy major from Overland Park: “DIcipher: A Simulation of Drug Information in the Industry Setting,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Ezra Kaiser, a speech-language-hearing: sciences and disorder major from Burlington, Colorado: “Identification and Quantification of CAPD in Young Adults using the SSQ,” mentored by Krysta Green, speech-language-hearing.

Melissa Kilgard, a music therapy major from Flower Mound, Texas: “Music Stimuli for Mindfulness: Comparison of Four Stimuli Composed Under Similar Principles,” mentored by Abbey Dvorak, music therapy.

Justin King, a microbiology major from Olathe: “Analysis of the Gut and Skin Microbiomes of Frogs from the Phillipines,” mentored by Benjamin Sikes, Kansas Biological Survey.

Alice Kirsch, a music therapy major from Marion, Iowa: “Music Stimuli for Mindfulness: Comparison of Four Stimuli Composed Under Similar Principles,” mentored by Abbey Dvorak, music therapy.

Catherine Liggett, a human biology and anthropology major from Parker, Colorado: “Adverse Childhood Events and the Development of Depression,” mentored by Lauren Norman, anthropology.

Kaylee Livingston, a biology major from St. Joseph, Missouri: “Flower Symmetry Gene Expression in Petunia hybrida,” mentored by Lena Hileman and Paulyn Cartwright, ecology & evolutionary biology.                                                                                                   

Bryanna Longacre, a molecular, cellular & developmental biology major from Eudora: “Do Tomato petals get off to a 'ROXY' start?” mentored by Lena Hileman and Paulyn Cartwright, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Cheyenne Loo, a microbiology major from Olathe: “The role of QS-controlled hydrogen cyanide production in C. violaceum competitiveness,” mentored by Josephine Chandler, molecular biosciences.

Nicholas Lowe, a molecular, cellular & developmental biology major from Overland Park: “Conformational Changes of IpaC in Micelles by Circular Dichroism and NMR Spectroscopy,” mentored by Roberto De Guzman, molecular biosciences, and Amritangshu Chakravarty, biochemistry and biophysics.

Jenny Lu, a pharmacy major from Overland Park: “DIcipher,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Duncan McGraw, a physics major from Kansas City, Kansas: “Search for Dark Matter Through Mono-Higgs Boson Decays,” mentored by Nicola DeFilippis, Large Hadron Collider Physics Center.

Gage Miller, a psychology major from Ellinwood: “Discounting of Sexual Partners Prospectively Predicts Risky Sexual Behavior,” mentored by David Jarmolowicz, applied behavioral science.

Jeffrey Nguyen, a pharmacy major from Wichita: “DIcipher: A Simulation of Drug Information in the Industry Setting,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Andrea Paz, a political science major from Kansas City, Missouri: “Midterm - Prime Minister and Presidential Role in Israel,” mentored by Rami Zeedan, political science.

Madisonne Prideaux, a human biology and anthropology major from Lawrence: “Adverse Childhood Events and the Development of Depression,” mentored by Lauren Norman, anthropology.

Nathan Reed, a pharmacy major from Lawrence: “DIcipher,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

James Ross, an ecology & evolutionary biology major from Fort Worth, Texas: “Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibition: Possible Muscular Reconfiguration of the Moon Jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, Induced by Alsterpaullone,” mentored by Paulyn Cartwright, Lena Hileman and Matthew Travert, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Julia Roston, a music therapy major from Minneapolis, Minnesota: “Music Stimuli for Mindfulness: Comparison of Four Stimuli Composed Under Similar Principles,” mentored by Abbey Dvorak, music therapy.

Sara Ryburn, an ecology, evolution & organismal biology major from Basehor: “A New Species of Oligoryctes from the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary of Nebraska,” mentored by K. Christopher Beard and Matthew Jones, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Megan Schulte, a behavioral neuroscience major from Overland Park: “Exploring Underlying Constructs of Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index through Factor Analysis,” mentored by Nancy Hamilton and Westley Youngren, psychology.

Rosemary Sisillo, an exercise science major from Overland Park: “Muscle Composition and Performance in Male and Female Prepubescent Youth,” mentored by Ashley Herda, health, sport & exercise science.

Rachel Smith, an ecology, evolution & organismal biology major from Belton, Missouri: “Review of the Genus Chasmogenus Sharp, 1882 of Northeastern South America with an Emphasis on Venezuela, Suriname, and Guyana (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae),” mentored by Andrew Short, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Anita Song, a biochemistry major from Overland Park: “Timecourse of Delayed Reinforcement on Induction,” mentored by David Jarmolowicz, applied behavioral science.

Camryn Stangohr, an ecology & evolution biology major from Lenexa: “Aurelia Regeneration,” mentored by Paulyn Cartwright, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Viktoria Sterkhova, a microbiology major from Lenexa: “Analysis of the Gut and Skin Microbiomes of Frogs from the Philippines,” mentored by Benjamin Sikes, Kansas Biological Survey.

Guileonne Tegomo, a pharmacy major from Olathe: “Assessment of Kansas Pharmacists’ Clinical Knowledge and Preferred Drug Resources for Cannabidiol,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Anirudh Vadlamani, a molecular, cellular & developmental biology major from Leawood: “Aurelia Regeneration,” mentored by Paulyn Cartwright, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Katherine Vander Laan, a chemistry major from Shawnee: “Isotope Effect in Optical Rotation: A Computational Study,” mentored by Marco Caricato and Ty Balduf, chemistry.

Lynden Voth, a biochemistry major from Newton: “Novel Mutations Reveal that the Macrodomain is Essential for Coronavirus Replication,” mentored by Anthony Fehr, molecular biosciences.

Thomas Williams, a pharmacy major from Baxter Springs: “The Accuracy and Completeness of Drug Information in Google Snippets,” mentored by Cambrey Nguyen, pharmacy practice.

Zhouhang Yao, an ecology & evolutionary biology major from Leshan, Sichuan, China: “Development of Medusa Sage in Podocoryna carnea,” mentored by Paulyn Cartwright and Lena Hileman, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Zhouxing Yao, an ecology & evolutionary biology major from Leshan, Sichuan, China: “Development of Medusa Stage in Podocoryna carnea,” mentored by Paulyn Cartwright and Lena Hileman, ecology & evolutionary biology.

Updated on: 01/07/2020

Thu, 12/05/2019


Gloria J. Prothe