Colloquium Abstracts Spring 2025
Abstracts will be posted here for the colloquium talks when they are available.
Chenyang Xu
Princeton University
March 13, 2025
Moduli Theory of Fano Varieties
Moduli spaces, which parametrize classes of geometric objects, are central to algebraic geometry. The construction of moduli spaces for negatively curved curves by Mumford marked a significant milestone in modern moduli theory. For higher-dimensional varieties, the moduli theory of those with negative curvature, developed by Kollár and others, has long been linked to the minimal model program.
However, constructing moduli spaces for positively curved varieties, called Fano varieties, remained a challenge and an open question for higher-dimensional geometers. Recent breakthroughs have revealed that the key lies in the concept of K-stability—a notion introduced in complex geometry by Tian, Donaldson, and others to characterize the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics.
In this lecture, I will discuss the development of these ideas, highlighting the interplay between algebraic and complex geometry, and the role of K-stabiity in establishing a moduli theory for Fano varieties.
Athanasios E. Tzavaras
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
March 27, 2025
The Maxwell-Stefan System of Multi-component Diffusion
The Maxwell-Stefan system is a system of nonlinear equations commonly used in the description of diffusion processes in multi-component systems, like gases with many constituents. In this talk I will briefly discuss modeling of multi-component systems, and how the Maxwell-Stefan system emerges through a process of alignment in the high-friction limit of multi-component Euler flows. The main part of the talk will be devoted to : (i) Challenges posed on analysis by the existence and uniqueness theory of the Maxwell-Stefan system; (ii) The connection between minimization of the frictional dissipation and the Maxwell-Stefan system.