KUMUNU 2018 PDE, Dynamical Systems and Applications Conference
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
The KUMUNU (Universities of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska) Conference in PDE, Dynamical Systems and Applications will be held at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, April 21-22, 2018.
The conference aims to have three main focus areas: existence, dynamics and stability of nonlinear waves in dispersive and dissipative systems, as well as the study of infinite dimensional dynamical systems. The conference will bring together specialists working in the different aspects of PDEs and Dynamical Systems and explore the connections between these fields in more depth, as well as to stimulate interactions among regional researchers in these areas.
The conference will provide lodging for two nights for as many participants as possible. Priority will be given to participants who have no other federal support and participants who are students, post-doctoral scholars, or members of groups that are under-represented in the mathematical sciences.
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas, University of Missouri, Columbia, and University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
The conference is supported in part by the IMA through its Participating Institution (PI) Program. PI members may use IMA/PI funds to support personnel's travel to this conference.
- Mat Johnson, University of Kansas matjohn@ku.edu
- Milena Stanislavova, University of Kansas, stanis@ku.edu
- Sam Walsh, University of Missouri, walshsa@missouri.edu
- Yuri Latushkin, University of Missouri, latushkiny@missouri.edu
- George Avalos, University of Nebraska, gavalos2@unl.edu
Local Coordinator
- Gloria Prothe, University of Kansas, gprothe@ku.edu