KU Funding Resources
KUCR Pre-Award Team (Team 2) for Mathematics (contact kucrpremgmt@lists.ku.edu for pre-award services)
KU International Programs Travel Fund
- KU tenured and tenure-track faculty, one travel grant in a three-year period
- KU CLAS faculty, up to $700 for domestic travel and $1200 for international travel
KU Research Grant Opportunity (GO)
KU CLAS Reserach Excellence Fund (REI)
KU General Research Fund (GRF)
- KU faculty
KU New Faculty General Research Fund (NFGRF)
- KU tenure-track faculty in their first 24 months of employment
KU Big XII Faculty Fellowship Program
KU The Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Fund
- KU graduate students, up to $500
KU Undergraduate Travel Awards
- KU undergraduate students, up to $500
KU University Graduate Fellowships (UGFs)
KU Graduate Studies Departmental Scholarships
KU Chancellor’s Doctoral Fellowships
KU CLAS Dean’s Doctoral Fellowships
KU Graduate Studies Summer Scholarships