
Purnaprajna Bangere
Purnaprajna Bangere
Professor of Mathematics, Courtesy Professor of Music
Sarah Browne
Sarah Browne
Assistant Teaching Professor
Geng Chen
Geng Chen
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Admissions
Hai Long Dao
Hai Long Dao
Jin Feng
Jin Feng
Susan Gay
Susan Gay
Associate Professor, Middle Math Education Program Coordinator
Daniel Hernández
Daniel Hernández
Associate Professor
Reuven Hodges
Reuven Hodges
Assistant Professor
Tori Hudgins
Tori Hudgins
Assistant Teaching Professor
Avantha Indika
Avantha Indika
Multi-term Lecturer/Academic Program Associate, Director of Kansas Algebra Program
Mat Johnson
Mat Johnson
Professor, Chair
Stephanie Kajpust
Stephanie Kajpust
Lecturer/Academic Program Associate
Daniel Katz
Daniel Katz
Jeffrey Lang
Jeffrey Lang
Weishi Liu
Weishi Liu
Zhipeng Liu
Zhipeng Liu
Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dionyssios Mantzavinos
Dionyssios Mantzavinos
Associate Professor
Jeremy Martin
Jeremy Martin
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Myunghyun Oh
Myunghyun Oh
Associate Professor, Acting Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Spring 2024
Jeffrey Oregero
Jeffrey Oregero
Visiting Assistant Professor
Joonha Park
Joonha Park
Assistant Professor
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Professor of Mathematics, Courtesy Professor of EECS and AE, Investigator ITTC, Chancellors Club Teaching Professor
Alex Schaefer
Alex Schaefer
Multi-term Lecturer/Academic Program Associate
Shuanglin Shao
Shuanglin Shao
Associate Professor
Yannan Shen
Yannan Shen
Associate Professor
Zsolt Talata
Zsolt Talata
Associate Professor
Xuemin Tu
Xuemin Tu
Professor, Scheduling Officer
Stephanie Walker
Stephanie Walker
Lecturer/Academic Program Associate
Yuanqi Wang
Yuanqi Wang
Associate Professor
Zhouran Wang
Zhuoran Wang
Visiting Assistant Professor
Lindsey Weiland
Lindsey Weiland
Multi-term Lecturer/Academic Program Associate
Emily Witt
Emily Witt
Associate Professor
Hongguo Xu
Hongguo Xu