Four KU students (2 female, 2 male) walking on campus

Is Mathematics for You?

Apply Your Math Skills

Do you enjoy examining methods and techniques?

Do you have an imaginative and original approach to solving problems?

Are you interested in mathematics and its applications in other fields?

Do you like the challenge of new problems and ideas?

Math Majors are in High Demand

STEM majors in general, math and science in particular, are some of the most highly recommended majors for new college students as these career fields are expanding every day.
Students in white lab coats viewing data on computer


The Department of Mathematics offers a wide range of research and education opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. Please explore our website to learn more about us.

Degrees in Mathematics

Undergraduate Majors

At the undergraduate level we offer BA and BS degrees in mathematics. Majors can also seek a certificate in actuarial science.

Non Majors

Students can receive a minor in math, double major, and receive a certificate in actuarial science.

Graduate Degrees

The department offers two graduate degrees, an MA and a PhD, as well as a certificate in applied mathematics.

Financial Support

In addition to scholarships, undergraduate students can gain paid experience as tutors/classroom assistants or paper graders. Graduate students are mostly supported by graduate teaching/research assistants and summer support is available. More details can be found in the undergraduate and graduate program sections.

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